Hi, I’m Katherine, can I take your picture?
I love taking pictures. As a kid I would carefully count my shots when using disposable cameras on school trips to make sure I had enough film left to capture certain events, I experimented in the back yard with some ‘arty’ black and white film and I always used to carry my little compact camera around with me when going out.
Now, I am drawn to movement, beauty of line and colour. I love capturing a moment and have spent many gatherings trying to capture friends and family enjoying themselves. The fact that I rarely have a good photograph taken of me also means that I determined to take as many flattering photographs as possible of my subject!
I originally trained as a dancer, from tippy toes as a child in America through to degree level in London. My experience in the studio and on stage has helped me to develop a sensitivity to situation and subject as well as an eye for special moments.
If you'd like to see more of me, you can find me over at my portfolio website.